Contrastes records, CR 202301, released March 2023
This is a monographic collection of music for vihuela by Enríquez de Valderrábano from his book entitled Silva de Sirenas published in 1547. It includes several of his thirty-three fantasias, intabulations of vocal polyphony by numerous composers, and his long set of variations on Conde Claros. Most of the music has not previously been recorded.ā The recording was made playing vihuelas in G and A by Ian Watchorn.
Move Records MD3092, ©1995
An anthology of music by Luis de Narváez, Esteban Daza, Enriquez de Valderrábano, Luis Milán, Alonso Mudarra and Miguel de Fuenllana.
“This outstanding early music recording is the finest Australia has yet produced.” — Soundscapes, March 1996
“brilliant ... spellbinding pieces” — New Classics, UK
“In the skilled hands of Griffiths, the 12-string instrument produces exquisite sounds.” — Sunday Herald Sun
Contrastes records, CR 2201405, 2014
This recording invites the listener into the intimate space that the vihuela inhabited in centuries past. It is smaller, quieter, and more personal than many of the place where it is customary to experience live music today.
"John Griffiths… un fantástico intérprete. — Doce Notas Feb 2015
Tan delicada y sutil como el propio instrumento. [As subtle and delicate as the instrument itself] "— Scherzo April 2015
"This recording is the first of Griffiths' performance I have heard, and I am amazed. He has the assurance to be both masterful and delicate at the same time." — Lute Society of America Quarterly April 2015
" Elegant, subtle, expressive… In nine years of reviewing for ARG I have only had a few solo vihuela discs come to me, and this is as fine as any of them." — American Record Review Sept/Oct 2015.
Move Records MD3044, 2005
Martim Codax, Marcabru, Medieval dances
"La Romanesca has set the bar for informed performances of music from the Renaissance and earlier. Spanish music has been a specialty, due largely to the renowned scholarship of lutenist-guitarist John Griffiths. Here, their approach to the songs and dances of 12th to l4th-century Iberia is vital and alive. By turns capricious, beguiling and venomous, counter-tenor Hartley Newnham becomes both storyteller and character. Ros Bandt's recorder roulades and Ruth Wilkinson's brooding gamba drones capture the velvet sensuality of pre-Columbian Spain" --
The Weekend Australian, 15-16 October 2005
An Iberian Triangle: Music of Christian, Jewish and Moorish Spain before 1492.
La Romanesca
Move Records MD 3114, 1992
La Romanesca presents a portrait of the musical diversity of Spanish song in the period immediately preceding both the great expulsion and Columbus' great voyages. Music of christian, moorish, jewish Spain before 1492.
The Music of the Fourteenth Century
Move MD3091, MD3092, MD3093 (1987-1997)
Vol. 1 Two Gentlemen of Verona
Vol. 2 Every Delight and Fair Pleasure
Vol. 3 I am Music: Francesco Landini
“The performances have a fine flow and an impressive clarity ... it has opened my ears” — Early Music News, UK
“a satisfying mixture of scholarly research and musical inspiration ... is of particularly good value and worth a listen by the general collector.” — Australian Music Teacher